Saturday, September 7, 2013

Marmaduke Takes The Strip | Las Vegas Photographer

So, a few months ago, my husband had this beautiful red Camaro convertible for the weekend. We decided it would be fun to take Duke for a ride down the strip. We figured people would probably get a kick out of seeing our very large dog riding taking a ride! We knew HE would love it since going for a ride is one of his favorite things to do.

And, of course, I had to photograph the whole thing!

(The end of school ... summer ... and well, just LIFE in general has prevented me from sharing these until now.)

One more husband and I crack ourselves up by pretending to talk for Duke (if only we really knew what he was thinking!) as I edited these photos I cracked myself up thinking of what Duke might say/think in each photo. For the fear that I'm not as funny as I think I am and because I really just want to get these posted...I'll let you crack yourselves up with your own captions!

So...without further ado...

"Marmaduke Takes The Strip"

Comments are welcomed and much appreciated!!

Thanks for stopping by!
